Exploring the Relationship between Elements with nextSibling Property in JavaScr

作者:北海淘贝游戏开发公司 阅读:130 次 发布时间:2023-06-21 14:40:55

摘要:What is the nextSibling Property in JavaScript?The nextSibling property in JavaScript refers to the next sibling of a specified element in the DOM tree, where "sibling" means any child element that shares the same parent element. This property allows you...

What is the nextSibling Property in JavaScript?

Exploring the Relationship between Elements with nextSibling Property in JavaScr

The nextSibling property in JavaScript refers to the next sibling of a specified element in the DOM tree, where "sibling" means any child element that shares the same parent element. This property allows you to access the next element immediately after the current one, regardless of its tag name, class, or ID.

The nextSibling property returns the node object representing the next sibling or null if there is none. If a next sibling exists, you can use it to traverse the DOM tree and manipulate the content, attributes, or style of the next element.

Let's dive into exploring the relationship between elements with nextSibling property in JavaScript and how you can use it to your advantage.

What Can You Do with nextSibling Property in JavaScript?

1. Traverse the DOM tree

One of the most common uses of the nextSibling property is to traverse the DOM tree and access sibling nodes. You can use it to loop through a list of child nodes, find a specific node, or remove or replace nodes.

For example, let's say you have an HTML list of items and you want to highlight every other item with a specific class name using JavaScript. You can simply use a for loop to iterate over the child nodes and check if the current item has a next sibling.


var list = document.querySelectorAll('ul li');

for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i += 2) {

if (list[i].nextSibling) {





This code adds the 'highlighted' class to every other item in the list, starting from the first one, as long as it has a next sibling.

2. Access the next element

Another practical use of the nextSibling property is to access the next element after a specified element. You can use it to manipulate the content or style of the next element or check if it meets certain criteria.

For instance, let's say you have a web page with a form that requires users to input their email address. You can use JavaScript to add a message below the input field if the email address is invalid.


var email = document.getElementById('email');

var nextElement = email.nextSibling;

if (nextElement.nodeName === 'SPAN' && nextElement.classList.contains('error')) {

nextElement.textContent = 'Please enter a valid email address';

nextElement.style.display = 'block';



This code checks if the next element after the email input field is a span element with a class name of 'error'. If so, it adds the error message and displays the element.

3. Remove or replace elements

You can also use the nextSibling property to remove or replace a specific element with its next sibling. This can be helpful when you want to delete or modify a group of elements based on certain conditions.

For example, let's say you have a list of items with checkboxes, and you want to remove all the checked items from the list when the user clicks a button. You can use JavaScript to find the next sibling of each checked item and delete it along with the checked item.


var list = document.querySelectorAll('ul li');

var button = document.getElementById('delete-btn');

for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {

if (list[i].querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]').checked) {

var nextItem = list[i].nextSibling;

if (nextItem) {






button.addEventListener('click', function() {

// delete checked items



This code loops through the list of items, checks if the current item is checked, and removes both the item and its next sibling if it has one.


Exploring the relationship between elements with nextSibling property in JavaScript can help you manipulate the DOM tree more efficiently and dynamically. By understanding how this property works, you can traverse the tree, access and modify elements, and create more interactive and responsive web pages. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, mastering the nextSibling property is an essential skill to have in your JavaScript toolbox.

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