Secure Cross-Domain Communication Made Easy with PostMessage

作者:汕头淘贝游戏开发公司 阅读:61 次 发布时间:2023-06-05 16:04:36

摘要:In today’s web environment, cross-domain communication has become a common practice that plays a vital role in providing seamless user experiences by enabling different web pages and web applications from different domains to communicate with each other....

In today’s web environment, cross-domain communication has become a common practice that plays a vital role in providing seamless user experiences by enabling different web pages and web applications from different domains to communicate with each other. However, this practice comes with its challenges, especially when it comes to ensuring data security and preventing unauthorized accesses.

Secure Cross-Domain Communication Made Easy with PostMessage

PostMessage is a powerful tool that has gained significant attention and popularity as a reliable solution for secure cross-domain communication. In this article, we will explore the basics of PostMessage, its benefits, and how to use it to enable secure cross-domain communication.

What is PostMessage?

PostMessage is a web API that allows different web pages or web applications running on different domains to communicate with each other, regardless of their origins. PostMessage is implemented through a javascript function that enables the exchange of data between the sender and the receiver using a message channel, which creates a dedicated channel for communication between the two pages.

PostMessage provides an ideal solution for cross-domain communication since it allows web pages to bypass the Same-Origin-Policy (SOP), which usually forbids pages from different domains from communicating with each other. With PostMessage, web pages can send data messages to each other, regardless of their domains, without being hindered by the SOP.

PostMessage allows web pages to pass critical information securely and consistently, and it's supported by all modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and IE.

Benefits of PostMessage

PostMessage provides several benefits that make it a reliable solution for cross-domain communication. These benefits include:

1. Enhanced Security - PostMessage allows web pages to communicate with each other securely, preventing unauthorized accesses from external sources that may compromise data security.

2. Versatility - PostMessage can be used to transfer any form of data between different web pages and can support any data format, including JSON, XML, text, and binary data.

3. Compatibility - PostMessage is widely supported by all modern browsers, making it easy to implement in web projects.

How to use PostMessage

Using PostMessage to enable cross-domain communication is relatively simple. It involves three primary steps:

1. Setting up a message event listener

The first step involves setting up a message listener on the receiving web page, which listens for incoming messages from the sender page. The message listener should be registered using the 'window.addEventListener()' function, as shown below:


window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {

//message handler function



The event parameter passed to the message listener contains the received message data.

2. Sending messages

The second step involves sending messages from the sending web page to the receiving web page. To send a message, the sender page invokes the 'window.postMessage()' function with two parameters: the message data and the target domain, as shown below:


var targetOrigin = ''

var message = 'Hello, how are you doing?'

window.postMessage(message, targetOrigin);


The targetOrigin parameter specifies the receiving web page's domain, allowing the browser to send the message only to pages with the specified domain. This parameter ensures that the message is not delivered to unintended destinations, enhancing data security.

3. Handling incoming messages

The final step involves handling incoming messages on the receiving web page. The message handler function processes the incoming message data and performs the necessary actions, as shown below:


window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {

if(event.origin !== '') return;

var message =;

//process message data



The event object containing the received message data is checked against the sender page's domain to ensure that the message was sent from the intended source. This check enhances data security by preventing external sources' access to the message data.


PostMessage provides a simple and secure solution for cross-domain communication in web applications. With its ability to bypass the Same-Origin-Policy, PostMessage enables pages from different domains to communicate with each other seamlessly while ensuring data security by preventing unauthorized access to message data.

While it's an effective solution for cross-domain communication, it's essential to note that PostMessage can be vulnerable to attacks, such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. Therefore, it's crucial to implement additional security measures, such as message encryption and authentication, to enhance data security.

In summary, PostMessage offers an easy and secure solution for enabling cross-domain communication, which is essential for providing a seamless user experience in web applications.

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